If all the world’s a stage,
This small players’ house is the world.
How will it contain the city’s radiant core
Without enlightening its visitors?
This space hums with marches of multitudes
Chants from their lips, sweat from their brows.
Here, unharnessed power.
There, unfathomable knowledge.
The house makes memories of us all.
Inside we gather spirits
Spoken of as old companions.
Do they sit with you as you talk
Laugh as you laugh
Sigh as you sigh?
When did you hear the knock upon the table?
Was it tonight? Was it ever?
Was it billiards, or slow tread over the boards?
When you raise a glass with fellow players
To whose health are you drinking?
Did they welcome you at the door, friend?

Fiona Finlay-Hunt is a technology and intellectual property attorney, lover of theatre, and member of The Players since 2018.
Thank you Fiona!